The Power of Storytelling: Why is storytelling so crucial for brands?


The one thing that we all loved as kids was a story. It sparked our imagination, fueled our dreams, and attributed to the people we are today. As adults, it doesn’t change. Maybe we are more cynical, but we all want to believe in something.
Storytelling is an art and can be a powerful one. For centuries, stories have survived generations because a good story captures our attention, fires up our emotions and inspires us to take action. In the world of brands, a story can change lives, minds and buying decisions. Just listen to luminaries like Seth Godin ‘Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories that you tell.’

Storytelling has become essential for a brand that wants to build meaningful relationships with its audience. It allows a brand to go beyond mere product or service promotion. It enables a brand to create a narrative that resonates with its audience emotionally, leading to stronger connections, increased loyalty, and a more profound impact on consumer behaviour. Yet, there are so many brands telling the same brand story. Brands that want to align with a particular target audience or compete within a market against existing successful competitors take the copycat approach. The result is that it gets lost because it just becomes noise within an already saturated market. Original storytelling and unique brand experiences will set a brand apart.

Meaningful relationships come from trust. Consumers will trust a brand if it practices what it preaches. Take Patagonia, the outdoor clothing brand deeply committed to protecting the planet. Its brand story revolves around sustainability and environmental activism. It runs through the vein of everything that it does, inspiring others to take action. Its Worn Wear program encouraged its’ customers to repair worn-out gear instead of buying new products and invited customers to share their stories of their Patagonia products.

A well-crafted brand story can significantly change consumer behaviour, prompting purchases and influencing future purchasing choices. According to Edelman, 63% of consumers remembered a brand story when deciding whether to purchase a product. A brand’s story is the foundation of long-term relationship building, encouraging trust and a perpetual mutually beneficial exchange.